Home Care Advice
from an
Experienced Registered Nurse
The decision to home care can be daunting, giving rise to a myriad of questions, concerns, fears and anxieties.
It can also be one of the most rewarding and satisfying decisions you will ever make, for both you and your loved one.

I am here to assist you with your journey, providing "Plain English" descriptions to increase your understanding of medical jargon.
Most importantly, it will offer simple and practical solutions to your everyday questions and concerns about caring for your loved one at home.
You know your loved one best.
Not me, not any doctor or practitioner, not nursing home staff or hospital staff. YOU.
Home care, for that reason, is often the best possible outcome for any adult that is no longer able to live independently.
But that also means that the primary workload falls to YOU.
Photo above is of my grandmother a few years before she required home care. Photo taken by my mother, Pat Rice.
You will learn about:
- Adult incontinence
- Fall prevention
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Sleep disorders
- Alzheimers care
- and so much more
Why listen to my advice? Let me tell you. I have been a Registered Nurse for over 25 years and have specialized in Intensive Care at hospitals and as a Director of Nursing in Long Term Care Facilities that ranked near perfect in state surveys while I was there.
In "Plain English", that means the state investigators were not able to find potential or actual cases of harm on any of our residents. Great. Now you understand, but why does that matter to you? Because, among other patients, I took care of loved ones when care at home failed! And it usually was preventable. Easy to find and simple answers are vital for a positive outcome for both you and your loved one. But where can you find that information? Right here. I will provide clear and concise information on the areas that I saw fail the most with elder adults cared for at home. Plus, I can recommend to you the best services that is being offered right at your doors. So when you needed a little help, Utah's known best care givers are on their way.
You've already made the decision to care for your loved one at home. Now make it as simple as possible. It's not easy, but it can be accomplished.
Enjoy your home care journey.
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